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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate June 22 to July 2 Ready to help

Your friends and colleagues enjoy your sociable manner and are more than happy to be of assistance to you if you feel it is needed. Your existing relationships have a particularly trusting and loving quality about them you find particularly stimulating and rewarding. Love apart, you’re able to enjoy the company of existing friends and win over new ones.

Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 Differences of opinion

Involved in many discussions, joint activities and other similar undertakings, your enthusiasm to put your point of view above the opinion of others is seen as rather overbearing and egotistical. This leads to negative and quite harmful differences emerging between you. Be less provocative if you don't want to needlessly fall out with everybody.

Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Inner tensions

Accomplishing such a lot, make sure what you do achieve is appreciated by those around you. Don't allow the inner tension you feel to unnecessarily antagonize or disrupt the normal way you interact with those people close to you. If you’re too antagonistic or moody, inevitably this leads to complications especially with your partner if you have one.