It’s important that you keep your promises. Otherwise, difficulties arise from your unpredictability which has a knock-on effect. People close to you get upset, and those you work with feel let down. Reconsider your feelings towards others and don't make any important decisions, instead take some time for yourself to discover why you feel the way you do.
Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 Trying timesYou find it difficult to undertake any task in a well-thought-out way; your impulsiveness is too much for people close to you. Remain calm; even if you find this difficult, and carefully consider the way you're behaving, such unpredictable conduct is upsetting the people you care about most. Avoid disputes by keeping to yourself; a long walk does you good.
Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Constant RestlessnessThe tingling feeling in your body won't let you rest. It's time to become active and to realize plans made long ago! It doesn't matter if these are of a personal or professional nature. However, if you're constantly on the go, be careful not to take on too much. Otherwise, your fidgety state won't be constructive, and you’re rather absent-minded.