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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate June 22 to July 2 Differences of opinion

Don’t be surprised if the simplest of conversations lead to misunderstandings. This isn't necessarily your fault, there's possibly something wrong, so try again later. Or indeed if it is your fault and you're being far too obstinate that people are forced to contradict you, rein in your ego somewhat, then others talk to you and respond in a more customary way.

Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 Hyper activity

You're really bursting with energy and this may lead to projects being realized, but the truth is people perceive you as being hyper active, running around in circles. Slow down a little and inform them of your plans. If there is room for others in your projects, you’re able to achieve much more together and channel your energies in the right direction.

Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Curb Anger

You may feel that others are acting unusually, you must quietly accept their conduct, and not get upset if things temporarily don’t go your way. Maybe you’re more irritable and easily upset by things that have not mattered for a long-time or possibly the answer is just a simple case of getting some much-needed rest.