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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate June 22 to July 2 On edge

Your nerves are on edge, it’s imperative you put a stop to your impulsive conduct, or you’re likely to get into trouble. Your overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction leads you to demonstrate your displeasure. Take the time and let off steam by performing some recreational activities. This has a calming effect and lets you to view things in a more relaxed way.

Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 Difficult circumstances

Everything is getting too much, accept offers of help and jobs can be gradually be broken down into manageable tasks. Don't let personal conflicts get you down, even if confronted by the worst. Wait a while; sometimes the solution arrives due to changes in your circumstances. Don’t ignore any physical symptoms you notice, deal with the root of the cause.

Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 A strong team

Consider how this extremely positive and motivating period can continue to inspire team spirit and mutual give and take. It’s certainly a good time for planning any get together. However, don’t allow your sociability to prevent you from occasionally taking a break to recover your composure, so you can give others your full attention when required.