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scorpio Scorpio
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate October 24 to November 2 Uncalled-for criticism

You think you're the only one who understands situations, but your counterpart thinks exactly the same thing and just might be your equal in ability and knowledge! Dealing with a dispute in such an emotionally charged way makes you seem exacting and arrogant, as a result you easily end up insulting one another. This is beneath both of you, listen to common sense.

Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Temptations

You are inconsistent in your decision-making, accepting any enticing offer you receive, or that you find tempting. Although it’s exciting for you to live for the moment, you must think of the consequences, the eventual aftermath and actual benefit gained. Remember others may rely on you and can’t easily adjust to different circumstances.

Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Excessive indulgence

Others regard you as demanding and rather cheeky. Keep the right balance and think about your demands. Don’t take criticism of your conduct personally. Compared to your friends you’re finicky and pay far too much attention to rather irrelevant, trivial matters. This can make you unpopular, be more laid-back and don't take petty issues so seriously.