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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate October 24 to November 2 Heavy load

Faced with a lot of problems, you need to deal with them methodically, one by one, otherwise difficulties only continue to mount. Come up with a strategy for dealing with work related and personal issues without using up all your energy. Don't spend precious time pondering what to do; every day that passes is a day lost. It’s time to confront matters head-on!

Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Unrest

Moodier than usual, it’s easy to misleadingly convince yourself into blaming others for the way you feel. Instead, direct your energy towards what is troubling you, and resolve these issues without ruining relationships with the people involved on the periphery of your concerns. Consider your demands may be unacceptable to others and cause an unintended reaction.

Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Disturbances

You experience what at first appears to be a rather critical state of affairs. Above all, do not allow the situation to get out of control or become overwhelmed. React calmly and thoughtfully to anything that appears to be unpleasant or combined with the feelings they create; these disturbances soon blow over without real damage. Take good care of your health.