Obstacles you need to overcome mount up. Take care you don't overstretch the resources required to deal with them. Think about which obstacles get in the way and prevent you making real progress or are indeed worth spending time and energy on. Otherwise, errors lead to deterioration in the level of effort needed to deal with them effectively.
Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Fantastic dayYour happy-go-lucky mood is infectious and ideal for connecting with friends or those whom you are closest. Make the most of the way you feel, experiences you engender in those around you strengthen the bonds between you. The joy you bring is something you can be proud of and provides unforgettable moments you can cherish in the future.
Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Relaxed atmosphereYou’re able to relax more, any infighting is over, and you no longer feel on the offensive. Other people are drawn to you as increasingly the inner calm you feel helps improve and further develop your relationships. Make sure you don't expend too much energy on recreational activities, concentrate on the fun aspect rather than hard physical work.