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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate April 21 to April 30 Popularity

Your charm and spontaneity mean you win people over easily, and they’re eager to spend time with you, making you a welcome guest for all who know you. It would not hurt for you to pay some attention to the less prepossessing or eye-catching people around you too, you may discover that they’re more interesting and have something worthwhile to say.

Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Your path to success becomes blocked

Regardless of an original approach to achieving success, your path becomes blocked. You were always on the right track and made good progress. With too many obstacles, it’s necessary to re-evaluate the situation and look at new possibilities. Change your approach and focus on the main task, then you are much closer to reaching your goal.

Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Enthusiasm

Your energetic ways are admired and inspirational for others who appreciate your forthright attitude. They are attracted to your responsive approach in dealing with sensitive matters. Ease up on your recreational activities, don't see everything as a competition instead keep energy in reserve for when there are more difficult hurdles to overcome.