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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate April 21 to April 30 Tackle new subjects

You apply yourself to a subject that has stimulated your interest over a sustained period. It’s easier for you to obtain the necessary focus you need and you’re more motivated than you have ever been before. Use this new-found enthusiasm and concentrate on making contacts to solve any outstanding issues needed for a successful outcome.

Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 New ideas

You’re able to complete outstanding tasks that require your undivided attention. The expert way you achieve results impresses others, inspiring you to tackle any new interesting ideas that turn up. Opportunities arise for you to make collaborative plans and a concerted effort to progress further, whilst utilizing the degree of proficiency expected of you.

Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Self-confidence

Whatever you take on seems to work out well, and everyone who you come into contact with admires the enthusiasm and expertise you show, giving a welcome boost to your self-confidence. Make sure you respect those who admire you and don’t behave in an egotistical way, you may still need their continuing support if things do not turn out as expected.