Your normal go-getting ways aren’t realistic. On other occasions, they may be appropriate, but currently, you’re inclined to put off activities and let your time idly pass. With such an indifferent attitude, you’re unlikely to feel very satisfied and unsurprisingly your attempts to find gratification lead to some less than pleasant consequences.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 UnreliabilityActing rashly and spontaneously has a rather adverse effect on your situation. You’re likely to forget agreements you’ve previously made and may turn up late for your appointments. Unreliability causes your relationship to suffer, especially if you’re attracted to others, rein in these feelings and see what develops first – before doing anything rash!
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Form new contactsOthers seek out your company, you’re well received, and everybody appreciates your good mood. Appearing laid back and relaxed you easily make new acquaintances. Subsequent conversations turn out to be significant with you becoming immersed. However, it’s quite easy to get side-tracked by interruptions from an insistent third party.