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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate January 21 to January 30 Increased Awareness

Try to be less forthright and avoid upsetting the relationships that you value most. Instead ask yourself if you need to spend more time concentrating on your personal life and make improvements, by being more responsive to your loved ones. Acting in a confrontational way never goes down well, it is not appreciated by anyone.

Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 Creativity

Full of new ideas, so many potential schemes crowd your mind that you find it difficult to know what to do with them all. Talk to others, and find out which are most feasible and which you should pursue. Their input could well complete the puzzle. Write down any more ideas they suggest, and perhaps after some consideration, you could include these too.

Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 Letting yourself go

Feeling lazy it could be you’re overworked or just can't be bothered. Stop making excuses; sometimes it’s easy to forget that it's not just about you, your friends may be disappointed and feel let down by your attitude. It seems you’re only interested in yourself but expect consideration from everyone else. Pull yourself together, show them this is not true.