Positive experiences come your way; you’re up for participating in meaningful and exciting events. You have a knack with people; you approach them openly and are likely to meet interesting types in this way. Enjoy your life whatever transpires, and remain open to anything that fate decrees, and is willing to offer you.
Second Decanate January 31 to February 9 Bury the hatchetThis period is characterized by your undeniable composure and self-assurance in the way you deal with others. People who previously had unfriendly feelings towards you react positively, and it is easy to forget old grudges and overcome any previous resentments. You find everyone is happier when hostilities are finally forgotten and consigned to the past.
Third Decanate February 10 to February 19 New ideasImaginative thoughts race through your mind, and you’ can easily convey clearly, newly formulated ideas to other people. Family, friends or your partner can be of support as discussions or specific suggestions you receive turn out well and prove to be worthwhile.