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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate December 22 to December 31 Dynamic

Your energy is infectious, and you’re able to implement new ideas. The decisions you take that up until now you had avoided making turn out to be momentous for you in the development of your plans. In spite of your energy, don’t act rashly and make sure you’re fully aware of the consequences of your actions. Go over everything carefully and calmly.

Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 Push forward

Eager to push yourself forward, be more discerning, pick more suitable and appropriate ideas to pursue, you’re taking a selfish and biased view of things and your judgment is flawed. It's important you’re aware of this tendency before it’s too late, don’t risk any repercussions. If others behave the same way, don't overreact, otherwise discussions break down.

Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 Hidden crises

Your lack of concentration makes things problematic for you. However hard you try, you find it difficult to keep promises. Ask yourself why this is and if it’s because you are distracted by personal problems which you can't stop thinking about, even when at work, don't avoid this challenge, instead get to the heart of the matter!