When trying to resolve outstanding issues, you must avoid reacting impulsively, and be prepared to encounter some difficulties. Don’t be disappointed at this apparent block to your progress, but take full responsibility for any mistakes that result, otherwise, you create difficulties for everyone involved.
Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 Need to RecuperateFeeling tense, take care not to overreact to situations, or you may come to regret outpourings of this kind. You struggle to control your emotions, remember no one is deliberately trying to get on your nerves. Treat yourself to some quiet downtime as soon as you can, to help you get through this temporary phase.
Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 Fresh windBe bolder, share the hopes and desires you have with others. You receive a lot of positive reactions which give you additional motivation to make your dreams a reality. You quickly attract further support, even in the workplace others readily listen to your ideas. Don't be dismissive of advice and criticism; they may complement and improve your plans.