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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate December 22 to December 31 Adverse conditions

Even when events aren't running smoothly; and you come up against difficulties wherever you look, you can still deal with these seemingly adverse conditions in a laid-back manner and see them as a challenge. If something isn't going as you planned, actual outcomes and the obstacles you overcome on the way just serve to make the journey more interesting.

Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 Unexpected situations

An unexpected event forces you to change your plans completely and alters the way that events unfold. Don't be too upset, if you plan everything, then many of life's more surprising pleasures or unusual outcomes never occur. Instead be more alert to the many hidden treasures life holds in store, that ultimately changes your life’s path positively in the future.

Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 Pursue your goals

A change in circumstances means your goal has become more difficult to achieve. Don't be despondent or let this get you down. Think carefully about the situation, this apparent setback is easily overcome with appropriate action and isn’t as bad as you first thought. Setbacks often can help resolve outstanding issues and ultimately lead to a better outcome.