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leo Leo
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate July 23 to August 2 Difficult situation

Confronted with challenges that put you under more pressure than usual, it’s advisable to remain in the background, instead of taking responsibility for everything. This helps you, above all in your work, to save energy for the really important things. Think also about your health, it's beneficial to conserve energy rather than being utterly worn out.

Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 Increased concentration

You concentrate on several things at once, planning your working day and making progress in the way you direct your energy towards a single goal. This gives you the stamina and perseverance you need to get things underway. Try to win other people over - by doing so you reach your goal even more quickly. Those around you are impressed by your effort.

Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 Extraordinary clarity

Your ability to understand any situation is good and you’re able to undertake any sort of mental task. Equally, you’re communicating without any difficulty, so possible negotiations or similar conversations turn out to be successful. You also find your general level of curiosity is heightened and you’re keen to acquire knowledge and learn as much as you can.