All the work you have previously done over past weeks pays off now. Everyone involved appreciates your efforts and benefits from the outcome. Being acknowledged in this way gives you the confidence to more easily expand your sphere of influence. Such a positive attitude wins people over to your side.
Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 Overcome ConflictsTry to clear up misunderstandings or differences of opinion, before they develop further, turning into real disputes, which cause unnecessary disruption to your relationships whether they are personal or work-related. However, don't expect others to approach you, you must take the initiative if you value being on good terms with them.
Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 A strong teamConsider how this extremely positive and motivating period can continue to inspire team spirit and mutual give and take. It’s certainly a good time for planning any get together. However, don’t allow your sociability to prevent you from occasionally taking a break to recover your composure, so you can give others your full attention when required.