One way or another you’re in the mood to make things happen. The ability you possess to concentrate and let nothing divert you from what is important means you look forward to putting even more pleasurable activities on the agenda. Don’t be surprised if the’ know-how’ and charm you demonstrate make others look to you for inspiration.
Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 Emotional timeYou exhibit your true feelings, and your openness means that people around you know where you stand and react positively, enabling you to easily make new acquaintances. You may well make a decision that turns out to be useful for everyone concerned. It’s very important you keep to your side of the bargain, which fundamentally changes your life.
Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 RecollectAt odds with yourself, showing displeasure and moodiness, you tend to take out your disappointment on others. You must accept defeats and see them as helpful for the future and take something positive from them. Occupy yourself with things that make you happy otherwise; you find it difficult to get rid of your frustration and cause an unnecessary upset.