In your free time, the activities you’re involved in provide you with pleasure and are gratifying experiences. You’re able to put the people you love at ease, and they show their appreciation. As a result, your relationships flourish, especially the most intimate, become more passionate.
Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Enforcing your willYour strength of purpose and ability to carry out what you want is much stronger than usual. If you let yourself get too carried away this inevitably brings problems, don’t fight against things you know are out of your own control. Instead develop a patient approach, things run more smoothly, and small difficulties don't lead to such negative consequences.
Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Inner tensionsAccomplishing such a lot, make sure what you do achieve is appreciated by those around you. Don't allow the inner tension you feel to unnecessarily antagonize or disrupt the normal way you interact with those people close to you. If you’re too antagonistic or moody, inevitably this leads to complications especially with your partner if you have one.