You’re moody, your bluntness causes unnecessary difficulties, especially in your relationships. You’re feeling lethargic and have time on your hands which could mean you're more eager to spend money. Try to think about your actions beforehand, and if you’re in any doubt whatsoever, postpone making decisions until you’re better placed to do so.
Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Strong dedicationFully committed with plenty of energy available, your enthusiasm makes you feel more restless than you normally are. If you’re the type of person to make your feelings known, lighten up and take it easy and be sure not to exaggerate or overreact, as others find any unduly overbearing conduct, or loyalty and dedication to your cause difficult to tolerate.
Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Pass on new insightsMuch quicker on the uptake than usual, you recognize connections and effortlessly formulate your thoughts and convey them to those concerned, in a clear and logical way, with accompanying inspirational flashes of genius. Subsequent meetings and talks turn out to be productive, they satisfy everyone's expectations, and help bring events to their successful intended conclusion.