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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate September 24 to October 3 Arrogance

Feeling sure of yourself and convinced you can take on anyone in an argument and win, your self-confidence is easily perceived as arrogance. Practice restraint, especially if you have any doubts about the validity of your arguments and be sure to respect the views of others. It’s little use to you, if as a result no one even listens to you when you’re in the right.

Second Decanate October 4 to October 13 Provoking others

You don’t let anything go, instead question everything in a way that others perceive to be rather provocative. You’re in danger of getting on everyone’s nerves. Don't take the opposite view, ease up, especially if there’s an uncomfortable atmosphere and if to some extent you’re close to or have reached the correct conclusion, and everybody has had enough.

Third Decanate October 14 to October 23 Differences of opinion

No one seems to agree with you, it’s obvious you’re the one that’s right, but it’s advisable in this case to hold back if you can, as long as this doesn't have any adverse consequences, otherwise things get out of control. Eventually they see their error for themselves and come around to your point of view without losing face, next time they’re inclined to listen.