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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate November 23 to December 1st Showing feelings

You perform constructively as a team, and you get even the most complicated ideas off the ground. At home or in the work place just the same, you receive the essential support you need. Let others know you appreciate what they do for you and strengthen the relationship you have with them. You may meet the love of your life, so keep your eyes open!

Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Strong feelings

Don’t be too fearful of your emotions, even if you feel overwhelmed by the experiences they bring about and are left feeling rather fragile. Examine these feelings and accept them - only then are you able to enjoy what is happening. Carefully look at whether long-held needs you have resulted from your wishes or the expectations of others.

Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Avoid conflicts

Avoid debates about your beliefs, you’re on the defensive and easily upset or insulted if quizzed, putting you in a weak position, so keep your composure and if necessary postpone any appointments rather than speak out too hastily. Follow your intuition, withdraw to a private place where you can find the peace you need to feel better.