Your enthusiasm is noticeable. Use your persuasive ability to demonstrate to your partner how much you feel for them. Organize a special surprise to stimulate agreeable feelings between you. When you combine your laid-back attitude and the organizational ability you possess, the overriding effect is to establish a wonderful feeling of stability between you.
Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Broaden HorizonsYour ability to learn from experience means you are open to all kinds of stimulation with which to challenge yourself, not only intellectually but in a psychic sense as well. You want to have fun with your discoveries and stretch your intellectual capabilities. Your mental agility does not go unnoticed by the people who are important to you.
Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 High Activity LevelMaking good use of your increased mental acuity, you can be effective at learning something new, or applying your abilities to devise any reorganization that’s required. You can also utilize your keenness to please others, enjoy yourself, and burn-off excess energy in ways you can share with the people you care about most.