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sagittarius Sagittarius
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate November 23 to December 1st React Calmly

You must react calmly to any gibes or provocation from the people you know. If you feel deceived, be careful in whom you confide. You tend to weigh each word too carefully and overreact to the slightest criticism. You should deal only with those who don't take your mood too seriously and know how to handle it. Resting will make you feel better.

Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Valued facilitator

You take on the most problematic tasks with consummate ease. Admired and appreciated for your abilities as a team leader, or someone who optimistically spurs others into action, and provides the correct amount of stimulus for them to actively harness their dreams. In your personal life, your alert mind helps to resolve a problem you thought intractable.

Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Willpower

You have come to a complete dead end. Nothing seems to be progressing, and you’re tempted to admit defeat. Consider such moments as a test of your willpower; it becomes clear how important it is to follow your plans and find the energy to continue, regardless of obstacles. Otherwise, you must let go, start over with a completely fresh and different outlook.