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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate August 24 to September 3 Hyper activity

You're really bursting with energy and this may lead to projects being realized, but the truth is people perceive you as being hyper active, running around in circles. Slow down a little and inform them of your plans. If there is room for others in your projects, you’re able to achieve much more together and channel your energies in the right direction.

Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Easily made friends

You easily make contacts and soon win over new friends. Close relationships need more time though and deserve to be cultivated and appreciated for what they give you. Decide if these new friendships are worth investing the time and effort. Take a critical look at yourself and see if these are just fleeting acquaintances or something likely to endure.

Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 The art of diplomacy

Your poise and patience lead to pleasant outcomes in your dealings with other people. You feel it necessary to convey composure to them, and consequently, you’re a sought-after go-between. Try to clear up as many misunderstandings as your diplomatic manner allows. However, don't blame yourself if people carry on arguing. Not all are as calm as you.