You're not getting as much done as you need to, and letting things slide. Although this makes you popular and fun to spend time with, you let some people down when they need a more practical involvement, or when problems need to be solved. Or else, instead of getting important things done, you’re far too easily distracted by trivial matters.
Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Shared activitiesIn demand, you share many interesting activities with friends and can make new acquaintances by utilizing your appealing and sensitive approach to help gain the trust of others. Look after your fitness and well-being, build up reserves of energy necessary, to stand you in good stead for more challenging events that remain ahead of you.
Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 Uncontrolled desiresEven though things you want vary and are often out of reach, you're prepared to spend a lot of time and money on them or take risks to turn them into reality. Keep in mind that yearning after the impossible is usually more intense than the satisfaction eventually gained from it. However, if the things you want aren't just a whim, you eventually get them.