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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate August 24 to September 3 Lucky in love

Make the most of your relationship by spending perfect time with the person you love most of all. Take the opportunity to talk about any unresolved issues between you, and help strengthen your relationship for the future. If single, when it comes to love luck is on your side, this is a great time to introduce yourself to somebody new.

Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Good times

Flexible and open to change, everything you do seems to turn out well and involves very little effort on your part. Take advantage to make progress towards achieving many of your dreams and ambitions. Be careful, don't take on more than you can realistically handle, just in case, things don’t go as smoothly as you might have expected them to.

Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 Group activity

Get together with friends, if possible do something beneficial for the welfare of others. People you contact find what you’re doing extremely commendable and automatically join in the tremendous effort you’re capable of making. Any helpful group you assemble responds well to bring about the changes everybody wants to see become a reality.