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virgo Virgo
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate August 24 to September 3 Strong Vitality

Your enthusiasm is noticeable. Use your persuasive ability to demonstrate to your partner how much you feel for them. Organize a special surprise to stimulate agreeable feelings between you. When you combine your laid-back attitude and the organizational ability you possess, the overriding effect is to establish a wonderful feeling of stability between you.

Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Lucky, you!

Your positive mood helps create promising circumstances, and you make progress, either through your efforts or by good fortune alone. Retain a sense of modesty in case others become envious. Such an optimistic approach helps you feel confident, which is a ‘turn on’ others find attractive. Your enthusiasm keeps the fun factor going, don't overdo it.

Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 All-round well-being

Others come to you for advice and help, boosting your confidence and self-belief. You’re a calming influence and possess the ability to take on any challenge. Your physical condition is excellent but improves greatly with recreational activities which prepare you for hectic times ahead. Closer to your heart, you experience complete joy and harmony with those you love.