An unexpected event forces you to change your plans completely and alters the way that events unfold. Don't be too upset, if you plan everything, then many of life's more surprising pleasures or unusual outcomes never occur. Instead be more alert to the many hidden treasures life holds in store, that ultimately changes your life’s path positively in the future.
Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Increased activityYou feel impatient, on edge, unable to relax, it’s particularly difficult to find any peace. If you’re normally calm and well-balanced this is the stimulation you need to put plans you have been thinking about for a long time into action. With such an enterprising attitude you may be overstretched, if you feel on edge, allow yourself the peace you need.
Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 RecognitionThe friends you meet or contact are extremely considerate and understanding. You want to meet up with as many as you can, don’t overload your diary or let things get out of hand. Similarly, at work, you get lots of recognition and praise, linked with new and interesting prospects - be careful not to over-burden yourself too much.