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virgo Virgo
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate August 24 to September 3 Clear up the past

A previous misunderstanding or a prior commitment needs dealing with, don't avoid the issue, use a positive approach toward the person concerned. Dealing effectively with difficult issues helps you win back friends, move forward and consign previous mix-ups to the past. You avoid unnecessary difficulties and disruptions before they resurface again.

Second Decanate September 4 to September 13 Fantastic day

Your happy-go-lucky mood is infectious and ideal for connecting with friends or those whom you are closest. Make the most of the way you feel, experiences you engender in those around you strengthen the bonds between you. The joy you bring is something you can be proud of and provides unforgettable moments you can cherish in the future.

Third Decanate September 14 to September 23 Energetic

You’re full of energy and enthusiasm. No wonder everything you take on succeeds so quickly and efficiently. The admiration of those around you is clear to see and boosts your self-confidence. Be careful you don’t overreach yourself by being too arrogant or by too much reworking. Otherwise, this apparent good luck can just as easily turn to misfortune.