The atmosphere is less tense, it takes some time for all disputes to be cleared up, but you approach the things that are important to you in a more relaxed way. You’re able to enjoy quiet relaxation with your family and/or close friends. Physically you’re more stress-free too, spoil yourself if you’re able with a massage, a relaxing bath, and healthy food.
Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Remaining PatientGenuine patience is required. Even if you are involved in heated debates, keep a cool head. Otherwise, you might upset prior plans with your careless words. Misunderstandings easily arise, so you must hold back and act impartially, not aggressively. Physical activities help release some of your pent-up aggression, make sure you drink plenty of water.
Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 SimplicityAccording to plan, work commitments are easily dealt with, leaving you time to devote to things you're interested in or find more important. Your warm-hearted way of dealing with people you care for, assures you the satisfaction and contentment you require, which you get from the affectionate response, received in return.