During what appears to be a somewhat testing period be confident and trust in your abilities, approaching events push you to the limit. Don't let the opinions of others dissuade you from your beliefs; instead, use any confrontation to build up and solidify the arguments for your position. You may well discover one or two opportunities for improvement.
Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 Create freedomMost things you’re involved in turn out well, any difficulties you do encounter are insignificant. Don't take on too much, instead put a stop to any frustrating concerns that have remained for too long. Free yourself from projects or tasks which deep down you no longer feel committed to. Remain flexible in case you encounter any problems on route.
Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Self-confidenceWhatever you take on seems to work out well, and everyone who you come into contact with admires the enthusiasm and expertise you show, giving a welcome boost to your self-confidence. Make sure you respect those who admire you and don’t behave in an egotistical way, you may still need their continuing support if things do not turn out as expected.