Interacting a lot with others, you’re aware you can formulate your thoughts and ideas more clearly than usual. You use your skills and knowledge to complete tasks more effectively and learn whatever else you need to know. You contribute impressively in a significant way that is considered both vital and valued.
Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 Expressive selfYou can express yourself creatively either when writing emails or being involved in enjoyable chats. It’s possible to discover some other hidden creative ability, maybe painting, drawing or doing craft work. You realize too that this recreational activity is really satisfying and when needed can help disperse tension and calm your nerves.
Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 Fascination with the unusualYou question long standing friendships. Fascination with the mysterious is something you’re unavoidably attracted to. You discover whatever it is you find so appealing is exactly what you crave and makes you feel like you’ve never felt before. Don't break away from existing relationships without consideration of the fact that they are based on trust built up over years.