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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate February 20 to March 1st Preoccupied

You find it difficult to concentrate, and in trying to accomplish so much, end up taking out your frustration on the people closest to you. Of course, they do not appreciate being treated in this way, and retaliate accordingly. Patience is what is required, your own interests don't always have to come first. Having achieved so much already, you deserve to give yourself a break.

Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 Disputes

Conversations are more challenging than usual, as others appear to like taking the opposite point of view to your own. Remember, compromise brings the only satisfactory outcome for both sides. If you prefer not to risk any lasting damage, you are well advised to let the other person win. You soon appreciate that, on balance, this way of behaving is more useful.

Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 Mood swings

You find that your mood fluctuates more than normal, you’re easily irritated and find it difficult to put up with the whims of others. Regardless of the way you’re behaving, problems with your love life become apparent for reasons you find difficult to understand. Address any existing tensions between you to relieve the stress and take it easy!