You acquire the composure for which you have long been searching. As a result of gaining this inner strength, you’re able to radiate confidence and integrity. Friends from your personal life or others you know from your working environment ask you for your help. Support them if you can and be as helpful as possible but do not forget to pursue your own goals.
Second Decanate March 2 to March 10 Useful contactsRelating positively to people is particularly straight forward, everyone is drawn towards you, and previously unknown contacts surface and this has a positive effect on your future. Make sure you show genuine appreciation of the recognition they provide and don't just appreciate them for their usefulness alone but value their worth as people too.
Third Decanate March 11 to March 20 TensionIt’s difficult to unwind, and your restless conduct has a negative effect on the people around you. Don't take out your resentment on your loved ones, but try to overcome it. Pay some attention to your fitness and well-being, if you feel tense, and rather anxious - a relaxing massage or long session in the sauna can work wonders, and you’re your old self again.