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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate October 24 to November 2 Emotional feeling

You feel you’re the only one that’s in the right, but are still as helpful as you can be, even if others don't accept your suggestions. In due course, it’s obvious to all who is in the right, but it doesn’t stop you from feeling misunderstood or unduly criticized. Don’t adopt a bad attitude during discussions, you may come to regret it. Instead go running or cycling to wind down.

Second Decanate November 3 to November 12 Strengths and weaknesses

Behaving in a truly impulsive and erratic way leads to conflict, rather than creating any worthwhile success. Be more conscious both of your strengths and weaknesses and don’t confuse issues by playing one off against the other. Reconcile yourself to both extremes, so those around you come to appreciate you as a much more meaningful person.

Third Decanate November 13 to November 22 Self-criticism is key

Where friction occurs is mostly you that is to blame, and this is where any criticism lies. Your temper makes you feel as if people are constantly trying to obstruct you. Work out what you want and tell your loved ones how much they mean to you. To enable you to you feel more relaxed, you need to make some compromises.