Dominated by positive feelings of love and goodwill, any meetings you have, whether to do with work or personal matters turn out to be satisfying and good-natured. The warmth you show towards the people you meet, as well as those you love and care about most is reciprocated, and they feel positively influenced by your very agreeable mood.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Inner tensionsYou’re feeling a bit tense and have been unable to understand why. There isn't a reason why you’re suffering from such unjustified pressure, you should be in the best of moods, but instead, you feel worse than usual. Don't grumble about this just accept the way you feel. Your ill-tempered manner vanishes just as quickly as it first appeared.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 Differences among friendsYou have differences with your friends. Before you worry too much, bear in mind the extent of the differences. It’s only a bit of a squabble that cannot threaten a solid friendship. Don't take it too seriously but do say you’re sorry if you said something that you now regret. When those affected understand that you regret what you said, they can forgive you.