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leo Leo
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate July 23 to August 2 Dangerous directness

You need to insure you’re not so forceful when you demand to get your own way. Not only in your personal life but at work as well you sometimes take advantage of situations to make progress at the others expense, leading to arguments that it’s far preferable to avoid, what you say lands you in trouble, hold back instead try harder not to cause offence.

Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 Erotic desire

You may well feel attracted to someone, regardless of whether they are available or not, this is a dangerous area to contemplate and unless you want to get yourself into trouble, do your best to avoid dwelling on this type of scenario. Depending on your character, you either have your thoughts under control or if not, deal with them as best as you can.

Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 Idleness

When it comes to anything strenuous, you don't feel in the mood, but much prefer to relax and take things easy. Be careful; this is somewhat problematic and likely to lead to confrontations you need to avoid. Try to find some middle ground without conceding too much. Watch your diet, not only for your weight but to care for your digestive system as well.