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leo Leo
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate July 23 to August 2 Economical

Obstacles you need to overcome mount up. Take care you don't overstretch the resources required to deal with them. Think about which obstacles get in the way and prevent you making real progress or are indeed worth spending time and energy on. Otherwise, errors lead to deterioration in the level of effort needed to deal with them effectively.

Second Decanate August 3 to August 13 Alert mind

Your ability to concentrate and deliberate on the affairs of others is strong. Often your advice is sought, due to the shear clarity of thought you’re able to bring to any situation pertaining to the lives of those you are close to. You impress in any situation where you’re called to make a constructive appraisal of a situation and eventually it’s easily resolved.

Third Decanate August 14 to August 23 Creativity

You’re inventive, giving free rein to your creative ability you discover a new side of yourself. It could be a project, with which you can amaze your colleagues at work, or you might persuade your friends to start a new interest or become involved in some group sporting activity, and you have fun together doing it.