Nothing turns out badly, and even if it does, it doesn’t cause you any problems. Your calm and relaxed manner impresses other people and has a beneficial effect on them. You appreciate how simple life can be if you don't get upset by every little thing. By dealing with encounters in this way, you can take the first steps towards reconciliation.
Second Decanate January 1st to January 10 A shoulder to lean onYou’re a tower of strength, and others look to you for protection and comfort. You patiently find the right words to make unhappy friends smile again. Even though this is reward enough, you need to take time for yourself, spend some time alone, to free yourself from any troublesome emotions or otherwise, have support from somebody too.
Third Decanate January 11 to Jaunary 20 Cheerful atmosphereYou approach people with a spring in your step and are happy to see them, with your open, talkative mood you’re an ideal conversationalist, with friends turning to you for advice. Your reputation is enhanced, personal relationships flourish, with consequential benefits affecting your health and well-being which you can further improve by taking more exercise.