Conserve your energy if you can, in attempting too much you can undermine your well-being. Spend some time with those you care about most, share your hopes, dreams, and aspirations that seem to preoccupy you so much. If you don’t divulge how you feel and be open towards those you love they get frustrated thinking you have no time to spend with them.
Second Decanate May 1st to May 10 Worn outYou find it difficult to make decisions, and it's even harder to justify them to others. Avoid arguments and put off any important conversations for a while. Be more open; it’s when people know how you feel they understand why you’re so hesitant. Feeling drained and worn out, both physically and emotionally, concentrate on regaining your strength.
Third Decanate May 11 to May 20 Shared successDon't waste too much time on your own, reflecting on your situation; it’s a total waste of your abilities. Instead advise and motivate people you encounter, who welcome the thoughtful criticism and praise you offer. Make the most of opportunities that arise from conversations with friends who agree to share in your ambitious plans.